A basic guide to choosing an electric motor

No industrial enterprise can do without a powerful and reliable electric motor. We can find them in all kinds of applications. After all, we also find them in everyday life - production lines, pumps and compressors, fans, machine tools, robotic systems, means of transport and belt conveyors, washing machines, refrigerators, construction and agricultural machinery, medical devices, generators and much more.
But how to choose the ideal electric motor for a specific type of operation in order to achieve maximum efficiency, reliability and reasonable operating costs?
Think about your needs
The first step is to define the specific needs of your business. What applications will the electric motor drive? What are the power, speed and torque requirements? Do you have any specific requirements? Identifying these requirements will help you narrow down your choices to the engines that are able to meet the specific demands of your application.
Learn more: What types of electric motors are there?
Familiarize yourself with the individual drive types
There are several types of electric motors, each of which has its own specifics:
Alternating current (AC) motors: suitable for applications requiring constant speed. They are most commonly used in production lines, fans, pumps, etc.
Direct current (DC) motors: allow precise control of speed and torque. They are used where variable speed or high torque at low speeds is required.
Servo motors: ideal for applications requiring precise control of position, speed and torque, such as robotic systems.
Stepper motors: used in applications where precise motion and position control is required, such as in CNC machines.
Learn more: AC or DC? This is not about rock anthems, but about the main types of electric motors
Performance and efficiency
Engine performance is a crucial factor. Consider how much power your application will need. Next, focus on engine efficiency, as a more efficient engine can significantly reduce operating costs. Modern high-efficiency electric motors can also help reduce energy losses and emissions.
Learn more:
Simotics low voltage motors
High voltage motors. When you need real performance and reliability
Operating conditions
The conditions under which the engine will operate may influence its selection. Will the electric motor be exposed to extreme climatic conditions or a dusty environment? Factors such as ambient temperature, humidity, dust and vibration can affect motor life and reliability. Make sure the motor is designed to operate in these conditions or has adequate protection.
Regulation and Governance
Consider what motor control options you will need. Some applications require simple on/off control, while others may require advanced speed and torque controls using frequency converters or control systems. At present, the issue of automation is also very important.
Maintenance costs
Maintenance cost is another important factor. Low-maintenance engines can reduce total operating costs and minimize downtime. Also consider the availability of spare parts and service. Electric motors from renowned brands offer not only quality products, but also reliability and top service.
Learn more: Proper care of an electric motor will improve its efficiency and extend its life
Safety and Regulations
Make sure the engine you choose meets all relevant safety standards and regulations. The safety of workers and equipment comes first, so the motor should be equipped with adequate protective features such as thermal protectors, covers and safety switches.
Cost of acquisition and operation
In addition to the cost of purchasing the engine, consider operating costs. This includes the cost of energy, maintenance and any repairs. Investing in a quality and efficient motor can be more beneficial in the long run than choosing a cheaper but less efficient solution.
Choosing the right electric motor will help ensure that you choose a drive that not only meets the technical requirements, but also contributes to the long-term efficiency and reliability of your operation.
TIP: are you choosing the ideal electric motor solution for your business? Do you want expert advice and suggest the best option for your needs? Then don't hesitate to contact us.
Náklady na pořízení a provoz
Kromě nákladů na pořízení motoru zvažte také provozní náklady. To zahrnuje náklady na energii, údržbu a případné opravy. Investice do kvalitního a efektivního motoru může být z dlouhodobého hlediska výhodnější než volba levnějšího, ale méně efektivního řešení.
Výběr správného elektromotoru vám pomůže zajistit, že vyberete pohon, který nejenže splní technické požadavky, ale také přispěje k dlouhodobé efektivitě a spolehlivosti vašeho provozu.
TIP: vybíráte ideální řešení elektromotorů do svého podniku? Chcete odborně poradit a navrhnout nejlepší variantu právě pro vaše potřeby? Pak neváhejte a kontaktujte nás.